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Stepping Stones Foundation of Hope Timeline:
SSFOH was registered as a 501 (C) (3) charity in Illinois June 4, 2010
- IRS tax exempt status obtained October 14, 2010
- Core Values: Education, Water and Faith
- Mission Statement: To foster hope for the underserved communities in and around Bunnamweri, Uganda, through education, health and faith, empowering them to help themselves.
June 2010 to December 2010
Education: 19 students sponsored - SSFOH provided t-shirts, skirts, drums, a party, outings, arts and crafts and hymn books for the sponsored students
Faith: Construction started on the Grotto in Bunnamweri.
Construction started on the Divine Mercy Way of the Cross at Kisubi Seminary..
January 2011 to December 2011
Education: 21 students sponsored - Outings and arts and crafts for the sponsored students
Water: “Pennies for a Well” project started - New Jerusalem Well completed in August - St. Lawrence O’Toole Well completed in January 2012.
Faith: Continued construction on the Grotto and Divine Mercy Way of the Cross. Sports supported at Kisubi Seminary, t-shirts provided for the seminarians.
January 2012 to December 2012
Education: 21 students sponsored – 1 student finished school!
Water: 3 North Mundelein Seminary Well completed and St. Matthew Well completed.
****First Luncheon and Concert fundraising events held
Faith: Continued construction on the Grotto and Divine Mercy Way of the Cross.
January 2013 to December 2013
Education: 29 students sponsored including university students – 2 students finished school!
Water: Completion of the final 4 wells – By the end of “Pennies for a Well”, SSFOH had extended piped water for 8 miles and constructed 8 public water stations.
Faith: Continued construction on the Grotto and Divine Mercy Way of the Cross.
Luncheon and Concert fundraisers held
January 2014 to December 2014
Education: 31 students sponsored including university students – 2 students finished school!
Health: St. Raphael Medical Clinic opened November 1, 2014!! 50 acres of land purchased to start a farm to help sustain the clinic.
- Half of a shipping container sent to Uganda with carpentry machinery, furniture, books, clothing and miscellaneous items
Faith: Kisubi Seminary sports supported.
Luncheon and Concert fundraisers held
January 2015 to December 2015
Education: 27 students sponsored including university students – 3 students finished school!
Health: St. Raphael Clinic fully operational and staffed!
Faith: Kisubi Seminary sports supported.
Luncheon and Concert fundraisers held
January 2016 to December 2016
Education: 26 students sponsored including university and seminary students.
Health: St. Raphael Clinic – Midwife hired, 1st baby born in August!
Community Outreach: St. Raphael Soccer and Netball/Volleyball tournaments sponsored.
Luncheon and Concert fundraisers held
January 2017 to December 2017
Education: 28 students sponsored – 4 finished school! St. Raphael Junior School opened.
Health: HIV testing and counseling outreach started, 2 more babies born! Henry Nsubuga, a clinical psychologist was hired to address the psychological and emotional needs of the villagers.
Community Outreach: St. Raphael Soccer and Netball/Volleyball tournaments sponsored.
Faith: Considerable strides made towards completing a new church for Bunnamweri.
Luncheon fundraiser held
January 2018 to December 2018
Education: 23 students sponsored. 5 students graduated with degrees in Micro-Finance, Medical Certification, Nursing, Design and Cosmetology and Fr. Joseph was ordained a priest. Increased school enrollment at SRJS by 55% - from 104 students to 161 students. Constructed 3 more classrooms. Purchased a 10 seat service van to transport students. Opened St. Raphael Youth Center to provide training and skills for school dropouts.
Health: John Baptist Bukenya started working at the Center as a Medical Clinician. 713 persons were treated at St. Raphael Health Center. 10 babies were born - mothers and babies all healthy. 12 mothers received antenatal services. Cases treated included malaria, respiratory tract infections, nervous system disorders, typhoid, skeletal muscular disorders, cardiovascular disorders, maternity cases, antenatal cases, immunizations, HIV testing, road traffic accidents, measles, migraines, pneumonia among others.
Faith: In conjunction with the Koch Foundation, funds were secured to finish the walls, floors, window and door frames and ceiling of the church.
Community Outreach: St. Raphael Tournaments (Soccer, Netball/Volleyball and Basketball) continued.
In conjunction with the Raskob Foundation, SSFOH helped to secure funds to complete the St. Luke's Health Center in Kkonge.
Luncheon fundraiser held
January 2019 to Current
Education: 16 Students sponsored. 3 students graduated with certificates in Fashion/Design and Catering. All 3 are already empolyed. SAS program expanding to include students at St. Raphael Junior School - 45 students currently sponsored at SRJS. SRJS enrollment increased 34% to 216 students. Construction continuing on a 3 story building to expand SRJS for additional students from surrounding villages. Purchased 2 acres to expand activities available to the students at SRJS.
Health: Funds secured to purchase and install an ultrasound machine and for training a nurse to operate the ultrasound machine.
Faith: Windows have been installed in the church building.
Community Outreach: Continued sponsorship of the St. Raphael Sports Tournaments. In conjunction with Rotary Club 6440, SSFOH constructed a series of aquaponic fish tanks for farming tilapia to provide protein and revenue for SRJS.
Luncheon fundraiser held
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